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     My family is fairly large so I'll only include my mom and dad. My mom is
currently under the name of Margaret Beukers. She was born as Margaret
Poteet. Of course she is a significant part of my life
because she gave birth to me and she has always been there. I¹m proud to say
that she is my mother.

robert mother stepfather in mexico

The image above is of me, my stepfather Obie, and my mom, January 2007 in Mexico.

     My dad's name is James Adams. He was born in Boise Idaho.
He grew up mostly in Menlo Park and lived most of his adult life in the San
Francisco bay area. He is the other most important person in my life. He has
always been there for me and, like I am proud that my mom is my mom, I am
proud that he is my dad.robert and father

The image on right is of me and my dad, July 2005.