Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Agni Kai: A Senior 3D Layered Art Project by Eileen Chang (2021)

For my light box I decided to make it based on a scene from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. This scene, the agni kai between the characters Zuko and Azula, has always been one of my favorite scenes of the entire show. It’s the conclusion to a whole show’s worth of character development and it is also one of the most visually stunning scenes in the show that I figured could translate to a light box really well. I initially had a lot of trouble when making the digital layers for this project because I had a hard time conceptualizing how it the layers would be cut and be translated into a tangible object. But after taking on the project one layer at a time, I was able to finish my design and make it into a physical, completed light box. Related website
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