Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Sun's Embrace: A Senior 3D Layered Art Project by Ash Prodromou (2021)

I chose to create this scene because of how cosmically impossible it was. The moon isn’t close enough to our sun for this to make sense, but I loved the idea of a single figure, reaching out from a dark and cold planet to the splendor of a warm star. I also liked the idea of creating a mandala on the inside of the sun. This feels relevant to my life since I’ve had many epiphany moments that feel just like this: where I’ll be feeling down and terrible and then suddenly be embraced with a comforting and wonderful revelation.

I really enjoyed working on this project, although I have to say it was one of the most stressful Digital Media projects I've created - I sliced open my finger pretty badly while working on my physical light box, and endured numerous After Effects crashes while trying to edit my videos. That said, having a physical product that can light up and glow is so cool! I especially love using the color changing feature on the lights. I enjoy doing physical art projects whenever they're assigned, and my light box was no exception. I also liked getting to work more closely with Adobe Illustrator and learning more about the software. Related website
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