In the Photonarrative unit we had to create a photo diptic where we had to tell a story through our picture by having the first picture show the problem and the second picture shows the character faceting it.

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Jim is 36 years old. He wakes up every morning to go to in a factory. He has a wife and a son that he loves. But when he was little he always got bad grades and eventually gave up. So he never learned how read or write well. Now at 36 year old, he has to ask his son if he can teach him how to read and write.Every day at 10:00 PM when he gets off from work, he wakes Luiz up to teach him how to write.

The first picture is Jim when he is six years old and got an F on his worksheet. I took the picture at a downward angle and showing his face looking down to show that he is disappointed with the grade that he got. The second picture shows Jim when he is 36 years old learning his spelling words and his son Luiz teaching him.I took this picture at night to make Jim appear tired and I took the picture level with the table and the light shining on the paper to show that he is focused.