Photo Narrative

  • Narrative Diptych
  • Artist Statement




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No Boundaries, No Consequences


Caleb had always been adventurous, even as a toddler. His parents had to keep an eye on him at all times or he would find himself about to tackle a full set of stairs, or grab for the box of juice on the top shelf in the fridge. There were no limits for this boy, and he liked it that way. Naturally, this brought him to believe that everything in life was rightfully his for the taking which caused some problems for him. The picture on the left is representing Caleb’s recklessness and self righteousness when he is smuggling chocolate panda snacks before the big Thanksgiving feast. He knows he isn’t supposed to be indulging in sweets which were sure to spoil his appetite, but his inner conscious wasn’t loud enough to make him resist. The picture on the right is the point of no return. He is just about to let himself slide; he can hardly wait to devour the whole box of chocolate pandas. He checks all around him to make sure the coast is clear. All the adults are preoccupied with their wine and conversations about politics and the economy. Hopefully, if not during this instance, Caleb will learn some self control and learn that there is a good time for everything. Waiting weeks can make something a whole lot more meaningful than if you sink your teeth in every moment you can.