Welcome to my self portrait site!

I designed this website to show reflection. What I mean by reflection is sometimes I fall into the trap of self resentment because my self reflections are inaccurate. So in the background I used a picture of a tree and it is being reflected. In fact the reflection is so good that you might not even notice that it is being reflected. My music is a little bit all over the place. Don’t be confused though, my mood is greatly affected by my feelings. My mood is affected by how I feel about myself, and the only way one can truly understand how they feel about themselves is if the have been reflecting.

How I created my website via adobe dreamweaver. Previously to freestyle I hadn’t really used any adobe products, but now I use them all the time. For example, just to get this website the way it looks I had to use adobe Lightroom, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator and dreamweaver. but even with these tools, websites are not easy to create. Just some of the many websites we used to create this website includes adobe products (illustrator, photoshop, Lightroom, dreamweaver, kuler) as well as garageband, textedit and shrink-o-matic. The technique/ trick to create a website in dreamweaver with multiple pages is creating a template. A template is a basically a page in dreamweaver that all your connected pages will have in common. For example, all of my buttons, no matter what page you are on are always on the same page because they are on the template. However the words are reading aren’t the same for each page because in the template I placed an editable region so that on each page I created, the words would be different.

The experience on creating this website was interesting because there were times when I was really proud and times that I hated my website. That is one thing that i have learned in art is that normally the artist is the person who hate their artwork the most. Yes, I know you might think that creating a website is art, but it is.

Into The Mirror






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