Narrative II

Welcome to my Narrative website!

You have made it to my narrative website! Congratulations and I am glad you are here. This has been a very long and tiring unit, but it has really opened my eyes to the life of story tellers. Have you ever had to write a story before? Probably once or twice for fun you come up with a story. Have you ever tried to story board it and visualize what it would look like if you tried to draw it? Probably a lot fewer of you have. How about drawing and animating a 3D animation using a software that you have never used before? Well that was my experience for this unit so I apologize for the hodgepodge of stuff here, but I was just experimenting with different mediums and methods of story telling.

I wrote this story in English class way back in 2013 and edited the script through January. Check out the process on the English tab and see the different story perspectives that I created to help broaden my view of the final project. The final animation can be found on the Web Audio page. There were many challenges that I had to overcome among them a 77 hour render time when most others rendered in a few minutes. Check it out and look for the vision of what I was attempting to create by myself in about 9 total hours of animating.

Design class for this unit was tasked with a book jacket for the narrative and then the surrealist unit. You will find all sorts of cool artwork that brought me into the realm of the unconscious and imaginary. Check out my design piences including a cool hotwheels pic and reminisce to the good ole' days.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach me through the contact me panel. Otherwise, I hope you look around and enjoy the many hours that I have spent working on this unit!