As a unique individual, I feel that Freestyle has allowed me to indulge in my creative nature and tap into the spring of ideas rumbling within me. The freedom to design my projects as they suit me allows me to express how I see the world, from my perspective. I feel that my personal essay carries a great amount of perspective into my life. I am an individual who follows his true passions for personal satisfaction. The music I created with an online tool called Aviary ( portrays the variance in my day to day life and symbolizes the daily clash of emotion and character in my life. I am passionate about many activities, both passive and active. These are, but not limited to; baseball, creative writing, making music, drawing and photography. Freestyle Academy will not only enhance but also help me better understand how to do many of these things. In Web/Audio I have been learning how to create a website, as you can tell. Within you will discover many of my own personal creations from the last few months. Since the middle of August my classmates and I have worked tirelessly to produce these various works about ourselves. From podcasts about things we've been taught, to dyptchs that represent various aspects of our personalities. I am very proud of all the hard work I have poured into these pages and the hours I spent working out the kinks and difficulties. This is my finished product and I hope that you enjoy it immensely!

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