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It’s difficult to describe what it means to be a firefighter because there almost never will be a lone firefighter at work. Instead, they work as one team, one unit, one crew of firefighters. Every aspect of the job is evidence of how they are brought together and how they work as one. Glued together for 24 hours at a time, they share many experiences with one another. The light atmosphere they create at the stations sets up the family environment. During free time at the station they share laughs and memories of great times. They can easily relate to one another. Sometimes they get to know each other better than their own family members at home. Knowing each other inside and out creates an efficient team when breaking up the various tasks to be done in a day or on a call. Whether they’re simply cleaning the station or saving lives the firefighters can quickly divide their responsibilities and back each other up. Their experiences from their calls and time spent in each other’s company also tie them together emotionally. So what does it mean to be a crew of firefighters? It means to always work together to conquer any task. It means to always be there for someone else and knowing they’ve got your back too. It means to understand each other emotionally, especially in hard times. But above all, it means to be a family.



Thank you to all of the Palo Alto Fire Department. Especially: Toby McDonell, Doug Slezak, Ed Aguilar, Mike Espland, Randy Fisher, Norm Park and Randie Revilla and all the other firefighters.