Nicolas Faurot
One this page you'll see links to my other 4 websites I've been working on. On these sites you’ll discover several graphics I’ve created in my classes at freestyle such as Webaudio, Design and English using Photoshop and Illustrator as well as photos I’ve taken throughout the year. To tie it all together each piece you’ll see will stand alongside examples of my writing skills used to describe each piece as well as other pieces of writing I've completed during each unit. Using dreamweaver, a coding program with which I had no experience with before I came to freestyle I have been able to create this website and with the use of my photoshop skills you’ll see the buttons I created as well. Combing my work at freestyle into a website has been more than just a great experience, learning new programs and moving at the speed we move at is what makes freestyle, freestyle. I’ve expanded my knowledge and learned how to use programs I’ve never seen before, all in all its been “legen….wait for it….dary, legendary.”