My Family
My Pet


This experimental project is crazy. eveyone's ideas are so different, but i feel like alot of them are connected. i really cant wait to see what people have come up with at the exhibition. and i cant wait for BFD! i love queens of the stone age.

I can't wait to see my family for my graduation. and i cant wait for grad night, and PROM! which is in like two weeks! i have my dress and everything all set up. its many people are going to be weirded out at me wearing a dress.

My friend Jessica is turning 18 in two days, and we graduate in almost a month. it is so weird to think about.
Ive been really into my horoscope latley. i dont know why, i just find it interesting.
Our exhibition is tomorrow!

Our audio documentary is almost completed, and our website is nearly done, and the year is almost over! I can't wait to graduate, but i really am going to miss all the kids here at Freestyle. Sure, i'll miss some kids from MV, but more the kids from Freestyle. Anyway, I got my prom dress!! It's lavender and pretty. Prom is on the 26th at the Avalon, and I want to go with this one kid, but I dont have the balls to ask.

First off, Happy birthday Lauren! it's one of my best friend's brithday today.
And the trip to Santa Barbara was amazing.We found some places that would be nice to live in, but now my friend Megan's dad might buy a condo and rent it out to us, which sounds so much better. it seems more secure and if we cant make a full payment one month, its not too big of a deal, and if somethings broken, we dont have to pay for it, and all in all, its just a better idea.
i need a job. VERY badly. i can always go work at shoreline again, but it doesnt pay too well, and there arent enough days to work to help me get a head start for rent payments and costs for moving.
I also want to take a summer class because it'd help prove to my dad that i can do the college and job thing at the same time, plus, i can get a head start on getting used to riding my bike everywhere.
I really dont want to work at Safeway but i might have to because i live right across the street from it. But i wouldnt be able to have piercings, and i would have to join the union, not to mention, wear a stupid outfit. I'm thinking of applying to Global Beads, just because i know the boss, and its decent pay. It's definetly going to be a tough summer.

I cannot wait for spring break, not only because i need a break form school, but because i am going to Santa Barbara to look at the city college and look for appartments. Im moving down there with three of my friends.
Im glad im going to the CC instead of the UC because the UC is a really ugly campus, and the CC is litterally right next to the beach. i dont tan or anything, i definetly burn, but i love the ocean and im glad im going to be right next to it.

So last week, I went to two concerts. The first was Blue Oyster Cult, and it was pretty good. I saw them last year and it was full of old drunk motocycle men...not too suprising, but this year it was so different. I saw so many more people around my age, and I ever ran into my friend Richard who graduated I think last year. Kids in Blood Brothers sweaters and random stuff. My highlight for that night was standing with Richard during the show just laughing at this guy in front of us who was a drunk old man in a nice leather jacket dancing his ass off...he started to do lunges, and was doing some sort of summoning dance to bring the guitar to him...yeah he was really drunk.
The second concert I went to was Against Me! in Santa Cruz. I've seen them a bunch before, and everytime its so amazing. I would definetly say they attract the best type of crowd to sing along with. I got some great pictures, but the only problem is my crappy PC is broken.
I HATE PC's. so unreliable.

I've been obsessed with this one song. I sometimes just hear a song and i dont even want to listen to anything else, its like nothing compares...and then eventually i get over it, but still listen to it a little more than the rest of my library of music.
i was supposed to get together with my friends to talk about our college plans because we are moving in together in santa barbra, but one of my friends is comming back from LA and wont be home till later, so now we have to do it tomorrow...and i hate it because with the interviews we need for our documentary, its hard to plan those, and then plan around the meeting with my friends, and going to the gym with my mom, and now having to read 3 sucks

I know 3 people who's birthday is today...i dont know what it is, but something about March...SO many people were born in March. A girl i know is 2 days older than me, then i know a kid who is two days after me, then someone on the 12th, 3 people today, my friend jose knows 6 PEOPLE for tomorrow (thats so many!), and i also know one for the 21st, 23rd and 31st. weird.

It's My birthday! yay! I am finally an adult...but honestly, i don't feel any different. I purchased a lotto ticket this morning with my dad...and lost. What a suprise!
I'm going bowling later and getting a haircut, and i hope i like my new hair, even though if i didn't, my hiar grows REALLY fast.

One week until my 18th birthday, and I'm starting to get nervous. Yeah, I'm excited, but I will legally be an adult. I am responsible, but sometimes im not sure if I'll be ready to take on the world. Taxes, rent, a job that asks for more than scanning tickets, and still doing school? I dont know how you adults have done it already.
But on the less intense side of becomming 18, i finally have at least an idea of what i want to do for my birthday. I can't do anything that requires you to be 18, because not many of my friends are 18, but i can't have a party or something, and i dont really want a party too much. So my friend casey suggested going bowling, and it actually sounds like a good idea. tuesdays are karaoke nights, and I'm pretty sure its cheaper than most other days. I'm excited about that.

I have two posts this week because, well, I have more to say.
In our English class we watched a documentary about these children in the worst brothels of India, and it was so impacting.
This woman, Zana Annie(i think thats her name), started to take pictures of the mothers of these children, who are prostitutes, and documenting their life, and she couldnt help but get involved with the children because there were so many of them, and i remember all of them saying that they couldnt imagine being rich, because they are happy now being as poor as they are, and that life comes with sadness and pain.
So Zana started to teach them photography, and the pictures they took were amazing. This one kid imparticular, Anajik (i cant get any of their names right!), was an amazing artist. He won tons of awards for his paintings, which really were amazing, and his photographs were the best out of all the children. It made me so sad when some couldnt go to school, or couldnt take trips to places because of their lost papers, or some lame reason. I almost cried a couple times. I couldn't believe the things their mothers would say to them, and how their dads would beat them, or if they werent beating them, they werent even there. I want to adopt them all.
But really, that documentary made me want to do what Zana does. i want to teach children like them.

19 days until my birthday!
anyway, yesterday was Valentine's Day...boy did that suck.
I'm finally going to talk to Mr. Moody today about our website and stuff...but my paper prototypes are at home! so...thats nice.
I'm having a horrible day. The only good so far was when i was talking to Mrs. P about what i can do for my documentary. I'm so excited for it now.

in exactly 4 weeks, i'll be 18.

And this PSA project is really annoying. I am the only web perosn in my group, and I have the whole website to do by myself. I know it will be difficult, and I am not looking forward to it, because right when I think I know what I am going to do, my group tells me something has changed, and I have to rethink what I'm going to do. I dont know if I'll make it out alive!

And I have a random thought I would like to share. I was thinking of the number 3, and how each season is 3 months long. But why do people pay attention most to summer and winter? They are the same length as spring and fall. Is it because most people take time off during those two seasons? Or is it because they are two extremes? Or am I just weird? I think all 3 apply.

I wrote a poem today in english, and I really like it.
"I walked through the shallow fields
amongst the other beings
but my mind was different.
they saw petals on the grass
I saw an inverted watermelon
pink seeds on a lush green fruit.
I am seperated from these beings
not only by age
but by thoughts. feelings.
I feel like I've seen a brighter light
that they have yet to discover.
I can't play show and tell with them
they need to see the watermelon on their own."

the watermelon thing is kind of weird, but i really like my poem. i hope you enjoy it as well.

I AM DONE WITH THE NARRATIVE PROJECT! i just finished my website(which you can get to from my homepage) for my narrative project. While making this website, i noticed a huge improvement from my first website, though to the untrained eye, they might look really similar. but technically, i did alot better than my first website. GO WATCH MY ANIMATION AND MOVIE.

P.S. my birthday is in exactly 5 weeks!

42 days until my birthday! yep, 6 weeks exactly, and im 18! it is definetly weird to think about.
annnd i think prom is in almost 4 months exactly. which is also weird because soon after that, i graduate.
Will and I finished our animation. it was definetly a huge weight to be lifted off my shoulders. but now i have to make another websikte, which wont be as annoying as the first time because its only 5 pages, but i just dont like making websites...GIVE ME SOUND ENGINEERING.

I got my mom a poster for christmas. It is painted by her favourite artist, Alphonse Mucha. It is a pofile view of a brunette woman, with a bunch of really cool head jewelry on. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she see's it!
i asked for an acoustic guitar and new speakers for my computer. And a few movies as well. Like Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War, annnnd i cant remember the others.
I am excitred for christmas! but in the future, i think i would be able to give it up, say for judiaism.I am not very religious, but if i were, i think i would be jewish.

our film stuff was supposed to be due almost 2 weeks ago, but we havent finished filming.
its really hard to do when there are so many people involved in the process. actors, sound kids, film kids, all of us have different schedules. Will and I have to do animation stuff after school this week, but we also need to film, and its just really hard to try and get everything done when everything becomes so complicated. we were going to film both saturday and sunday, but Vlad had to film a wedding, so saturday was out of the question, and then it took awhile to get stuff done on sunday. i knew it was going to be difficult, but i really didnt expect to have so much. and you might think that the filming should be done because we were given a deadline, but i know a bunch of groups who, like us, havent finished filming yet. so with all the filming, the animation, the writing and reading in english, and still the school work at MVHS, its just a little overwhelming.
i definetly think things will go better next time around though, becase we will all have a better sense of what we need to do, and time management.

we just decided what symbols we need to animate, and Will and I have a lot of them to do. over 100, and some people only have like 20. its going to be really hard to get all those symbols and then animate it in about 3 weeks. but Will is a good worker, and so am i, so i know we'll get it done. its just stressful right now.

Thanksgiving is this week. it is my favortite holiday. I wake up and watch the parade, hang out with my family (which isnt bad at family is full of interesting people), eat really good food, and crash from the triptofan. the only thing that does suck, is all the leftovers afterwards...i know ill be having turkey sandwiches until the end of the decade.

i might be moving to santa cruz. my dad was looking at houses, and we found a townhouse for 185,000, 4 bedroom/3 bath, ocean view, a bunch of cool stuff. whats the catch? i have no idea, but i hope we go to look at the place this weekend, because i need to get out of the box ive been living in for the past 7 years, plus it will be so good for my dad and mom. i would still go to MVHS and freestyle,but the commute would suck! well, at least i think i'd still be able to come here, i mean, senior privlege to let me stay, plus i think being in freestyle would give the school more incentive for me to stay. my dad would still have to drive up to stanford, so i would think that talking to the school about our situation would work out well.

my nephew just turned 3 on November 11th. i wish i could have gone to see my family, but they live in arizona, so that would be difficult.

also, this movie we're making is going to be amazing. if...we pull it off. out of the 4 screenplays we could have chosen from, we decided to do the most technical and difficult one. if our group were to have done mine and pulled it off, it would have been just another one of the 16 being made by all the groups. but by making Tim's screenplay, it will be remembered, and it will be such an accomplishment. knowing that ours is probably one of the more interesting stories, and hardest to complete, making it is definetly an ego booster because it will be phenomenal.

did you vote? i didnt. im not old enough, but if i was, i would probably vote absentee or something because all the negative ads on tv annoy the crap out of me. i cant stand it when it comes time to vote and people shove all this crap in your face about their opponent doing something bad 20 years prior. i think politics in general annoy me. i mean, no matter what, someone isnt going to be happy with whatever dicisions are made, there will always be some issue or scandal with every president. and after 9/11, can people really expect to have a president that can help take us out of our 9 trillion dollar deficit? its scary to think what my generation is going to have to deal with. i just hope i can buy a flying car before i die.

it is my sister in laws birthday tomorrow, and she will be 26. in 4 months and 17 days i'll be 18. and then in about 7 months i'll be out of high school. i think about my birthday and graduation alot. its really nerve wracking. i plan to go to santa barbra city college. my friend and i are moving down there and getting an appartment and getting settled with jobs and getting to know the town, and we'll start in the winter. to think a year from now ill be in santa barbra LIVING, is crazy.


Yesterday i worked at the Roger Waters concert, and it was amazing. it was my moms birthday and she had seats. i got off work around 9:30 and was able to watch the rest of the show. it was sold out, which meant 22000 people were there! but anyway, the show was really good, and my feet hurt alot once i got home.

so the exhibition is tomorrow, and I am excited, but still not all the way prepared, but i know ill get things done in time.



copyright 2006 RachaelE. All Rights Reserved.