"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."

-Mark Twain


It seems that you have found your way to my self portrait website! Well, congratulations and welcome, for I have much to show you. This website is a culmination of all that I have worked on in this first quarter at Freestyle Academy. Please feel free to leaf through the pages as you wish. This semester's projects consist of a poem, a diptych, an illustration and a podcast. I used Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Garage Band to produce all of these projects.

So far, I've loved every part of the creative process involved with creating websites. A naturally organized and orderly person, websites provide the perfect medium for me to express my thoughts and share what I've done using other programs. This design revolves around travel and the world, placing a focus on where I've been and where I want to go. The quote in the top right corner on all of the other pages is one of my own about food, a hobby of mine that takes up much of my time.

In English we were supposed to create a poem that was true to us, but more importantly, contained visceral imagery. My poem is about coming of age in an era where becoming who you're are is intertwined with who choose to be with.


I Am


I am the delicate gold lining that enrobes
my mother’s crystal earrings. Delicate,
but in this world, barely there. I relate
all of the pieces together, on the outside
or on the inside, I am rough, I am

I slip and slosh from group to group and
this whirlwind cacophonous symphony
finishes on an everlasting note. They are
all together and I learn to appreciate the
sound. And from concert to concert I
grow and develop as a listener, picking
out certain metallic notes that twirl in an
endless effort to consume me--to teach
me; each note leaves its own mark, but
just till the next one comes along.

I am the drums, they symbols, the bass
and the painfully gleeful teenaged fans,
whose screams resound in the music
hall. This is their life for now: mini-
skirts and tube tops. Before I can even
realize, I am plastic, dripping from
the rims and falling from the sky, all
in an effort to fall on the cool metal
microphone that will surely hold me?

This is my life for now, shapeshifting
and metamorphosis as I hardly recognize
myself and I am drenched in sweat. The
beat of the drums and the sound of voice
have me moving so fast.

I lock myself in my room, my
transformations are just for me. Resting
on this island of solace, stranded in the
middle of the sea, which remains too
ridden with salt for any real life to take
shape, I pull on a mini skirt and a tube
top, and some delicately enrobed black
crystal earrings.