Click here to view my Animatic

From my graphic novel in english, I produced an animatic using Adobe Flash. An animatic is a very rough animation that lays out what scenes you want, how you want them to pan and zoom, what audio you need, how you want to fade in between scenes, and other details that you have to think about for your animation. However, instead of actually animating every scene, I used scanned photos of the scenes from my graphic novel as a basis for what I wanted to happen. This helped me when I was creating my animation to remember what scenes I wanted, how I wanted them to look, and what audio I needed for each one.

My flash fiction became my graphic novel, which became my animatic, which in turn became my animation. I used techniques that we studied in English during our Graphic Novel unit to produce my very own comic that followed the story in my flash fiction. I then scanned the pages and split up the panels in Photoshop, and imported them into Flash where I used the panels as scene pictures for my animatic.

I've learned many things from this project. I got to practice using Photoshop, and most importantly I got an introduction to Flash. I was taught how to animate objects, how to add and adjust audio, and how to use secondary motions to simplify an animation, among other things. I really enjoyed learning how to use Flash and practicing those skills, and I'm excited to continue to use them in the future. Thanks to Christopher Ogaz for his voice!