Welcome to my Narrative Website! To begin the Narrative Unit, we were first asked to create a comic in English class using what we knew about creating stories paths and drawing characters that belong in comics, the purpose being to explore what it means to tell a story in many different ways.

To create the animatic you can find on this website, we first had to scan the pictures in, split them up in Photoshop, and bring them to life using Flash. To the right is a photo of my progress working with Flash.

Once we finished with that, we were then challenged to draw our characters once again--only this time, we would have to draw and animate them directly in Flash. This base story turned into a photo narrative, or diptych in Design class, which you can find on my photo narrative page of this site.

I enjoyed this unit mostly becuase I was given the opportunity to write my own story. Along the way, through reading everyone else's work and working more closely with my own, I learned that the story I had hoped was as far from myself as possible, contained many nuanced qualities that were actually very personal.

The most difficult part about this unit for me was creating the animation. Working with Flash was not an easily accomplished feat for me, but in the end, everything worked out for the best.

