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Artist Statement

My illustration is based off the story of a girl, who works endlessly and takes on more than she can handle, so that her work eventually engulfing her. In my illustration, a girl is sitting on a toppling chair, and her hair, which is symbolically an extension of her, is alive and binding her. The hair that is wrapping around her arms transforms into a vine with thorns, to show that it's strangling and impairing her. She is at the top of a building, because she's reached the peak of her journey, but the irony is that in getting there, she lost herself (she doesn't have a face). I see so much how my dad used to become caught up in his work, leaving at 5 am and coming home late after we were all asleep. At times, it would become his escape and replacement for other things, taking over his life.The background is darker towards the bottom to show the plight she's falling into and the dark clouds closing in overhead symbolize how hope is vanishing.


My illustration is based off the same story as my photonarrative. Click here to read.