












where are my other projects?

right here

Stephen Fry


I've know Stephen for about 6 years now. We became friends once we found out that we both played guitar. His background was more classical, while mine was more of a jazz fusion, but it didn't matter to us. We started writing music together and eventually made a band with a few other friends.


Fredrick Cramer


Fredrick and I have been friends for about 11 months now. I met him at a sushi restaurant. He was the waiter. However during dinner he ranted to me about his aspiring dreams of one day being a magazine salesperson, and his ambitions fascinated me. I also learned that he played drums, so I asked him to play drums in Stephen's and my band.


Akshy G-pal


I've known Akshy for 16 years. Ever since he was a baby. Surprisingly, he was very fat as a baby, but now is as thin as a pole. When we were young, we used to hate each other. He tried to pick on me, but I was captain of the wrestlin team, and took him down easily. But ever since the one day I offered him a Twizzler on the bus home from school, we've been friends.