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Hello everyone and welcome to my Narrative Website. You might be wondering exactly what you should be expecting when you go meandering through its content. Well here's the scoop. This unit is basically on all the ways to tell a story, on ways to NARRATE. Get it. On this website, I have a Photo narrative which is basically a story told in 7 photos that I thought of and took. There is a short story that I wrote based on the themes of my photonarrative, and I also created a short story movie that integrates my photonarrative pictuers with my short story. We are also creating a children's book as a class that requires each of us to illustate at least one page of the book. My Illustrations are the city of Rome and one of the young boy losing his balloon at the beginning of the story. And last but not least, Jimmy Chandler and I are making a flash animation and animatic based on our own super hero WONDERWORM. I hope you enjoy what we've been working on and I hope you take a little time to look around my page.


© Academy of Communication Arts & Technology 2007