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       As stated on the homepage, the basic process of making the slideshow was strainful and entertaining. The code was actually not to bad for me, but the hard part and the part that I hated the most was the audio. It was just so annoyung having to edit every little thing you saw and do all these things just to export the audio in the correct format. But fortunately after that it was all downhill. The slideshow was pleasing to see at the end and ovrall i was proud of it. I'm also proud of this site, for being better than the last one. I dispised the last website.

       As for the interviewy's, I would just like to extend my thanks and let them know that their contribution was very helpful to the entire project. The interviewy's were Terry Barrette, Phil Barrette and Lindsey Raven. The basic "angle" that I was trying to achieve through these interviews was multiple effects that building a house has on the family and others. So when you watch the Audio Slideshow, be sure to here their stories! Its one of the best parts in the Slideshow.


(Scroll all the way down to see reflection)


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       The audio slide show was basically made in flash using action scripts. After the scripting was done, a final transcript needed to be made laying out how the audio and picture would be put together within the slideshow. The hardest part, i think, was editing the audio in protools. Protools is still fairly new to me and it was kind of hard editing certain portions of the audio. But once the audio was done, everything seemed nicer. I resized many of the images so that they could fit within the slide show itself. Using the transcript, I edited the code so that the newer pictures and audio could be put into the slideshow. Thank you Photoshop of the action record! (couldn't have resized many of the images without it!)


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