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This is my Short Story page, here you will get to read the short story I created for english.


The Machine


I waited quietly for the hospice nurse to leave, then slowly snuck into the room.
It was dark; only the faint glows of the lights from the machines were visible. The only sound in the room came from the same machines.
I crept across the plush carpeted floor, to get closer to her. I needed to see her she looked beautiful to me.
She still looked beautiful to me.
I hear her breathing, slow and raspy, sounding as if it each could be her last. She looks peaceful; I think she knows.
I softly wedge my wet nose under her hand, sliding it towards my eyes.
I wanted her to know that I was with her, and she shouldn’t be afraid.
I feel her slender fingers slowly clasp the edges of my face, and comb though my wiry hair.
She knew it was me, and she knew I would stay with her.

The day the front gate was left open, was the day it all began.
It was all an accident, I didn’t mean to stray so far, but the squirrels were playing and having so much fun, I wanted to join them.
We ran and played and I strayed too far.
It was soon nightfall and I still hadn’t found the front gate. I was so tired I couldn’t take another step.
I rested on a well-lit porch that wasn’t my own, in hopes that someone would help me.
Well into the night, I was awakened by the blinding white light of the noisy sports car pulling up to the house.
All I hear are the clicking of her shoes on the bricks as she approaches, when her soft voice says, “Ohh how cute, are you lost?”
I looked at her with sad eyes wishing I could communicate with her, and tell her where I lived. I am so afrade.
As she bent down to look at my collar, I could smell her perfume. It was vanilla…I think.
When she spoke she sounded concerned, and said to me “You don’t have any tags, how am I going to get you home?”
She rubbed behind my ears and told me I could stay, but it was just temporary until she found my owner.
We went inside, and my life changed forever.
She talked to me like I understood, which of course I did. “Well, I don’t have any kibble for you, so lets see what we can find.” Dinner was Filet Mignon and a baked potato- no butter! She made a bed of towels for me to sleep in next to her bed, but I was still scared. She reached down, and put her hand on my head, brushing her fingers though my hair until I fell asleep. It was how she put me to sleep every night from that day forward.
We spent all of our time together, playing, learning tricks and how to do all sorts of fun things.
I quickly learned how to be well behaved and even learned how to shake, and high-five.
We were best friends, and we were inseparable.

She started staying in bed longer and more often, and had trouble picking up things.
It became apparent that she had trouble using her arms and legs. She needed me, and I was there for her.
At first, it was a little help walking down the hall, then she needed me by her side at all times to keep her safe and steady. I never let her down.
She no longer left the house, and always-in bed.
Big people in white coats came to visit her often, and brought with them scary
machines that had wires and made lots of noise.
I only leave her, to relieve my self outside.
She’s talking to me less these days but communicates through her expressions and her touch. When she runs her fingers through my hair, I know she loves me.
The people in white coats whispered, and their faces showed grim expressions.
I had a bad feeling, it couldn’t be good news, I left the room so they could talk.

As I feel her fingers comb through my hair, I look up at her.
We look each other in the eyes for a long time both remembering our lives together. I remember that day 10 years ago, when she saved me and gave me a new home. I can still smell vanilla when I am around her, even though she never wears it any more.
Her eyes close, and her hand slips from my head.
The room goes quiet except for the steady tone on the machine next to her bed.

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