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Audio Documentary


I interviewed two of my friends from thearapy, Tamsin Kearns and Sasha Desai. I asked them about things that they struggled with.They told me a little bit about their lives. I added comentary and made the conversation shift from topic to topic.


(quicktime required)

.m4a file type, Size is 6.74mb, Time; about 15 minutes, mabye a little over.




My audio documentary is about how a social cognitive deficit impacts someone’s life. And the way their lives are different from people who don’t have social cognitive deficits in this documentary I interview two separate girls from my social cognitive skills group Tamsin Kearns and Sasha Desai. I met them at Michelle Garcia Winners clinic. And we are all in the same age pool group


Sasha; Well, its had a very major effect on the way I look at things and the way that I have grown up with people. The way I have interacted with people sometimes; not been so friendly because I didn’t understand um the way I was supposed to communicate them, communicate with them and they didn’t understand that I didn’t understand so I had a hard time uh getting to know people. So, that’s kind of had a big influence on me.

Well it affects me socially well I also have a visual disability well difficulty miss. Heaps doesn’t like the word disability.
What is your social life like?

It’s very poor
You answer the phone now so that’s good
I almost always have answered the phone now but I don’t like to make phone calls.
And I have friends but I don’t hang out with them all the time.
Tamson I’ve never actually ever seen your friends at school 300 Not that much no I’ve invited them over maybe two or three times to my house
In how many years

In freshmen year I invited them over and we did stuff I don’t remember exactly what but we did stuff. And sophomore year we did stuff and or maybe it was last year I don’t exactly remember and for my confirmation thing we had a party over at my house and we

Um well, ever since I realized that I had a disability I starting working with, on strategies to cope with that. I’ve been able to make more friends more easily because I’ve realized now what I’m doing wrong so I can fix it


Well, I was in grade school I think it was sixth or seventh grade and I was having a lot of problems with the other kids and with my grades.
Yeah so you don’t usually invite your friends over

did stuff at that It didn’t, it kind of, see people they didn’t really understand me when I was trying to play with them or communicate with them because I had a hard time understanding what they really wanted from me, wanting me to do so they used, I used to get in trouble and I was, I was kind of very what’s the word um I was a little str--. I was, well basically it made me strange. And the other kids thought I was strange because I didn’t know how to do these things and I was and there was just something off about me if you know what I'm saying . So I didn’t have very many friends and I grew up being kind of scared that people would make fun of me even though it didn’t happen that often, I was afraid it would cause I knew I was the kind of person that was likely to get picked on. But, over the years I’ve learned on how to handle people and I’m not afraid of bei-,

Also I have difficulties in math especially uh basically every year in every class and of course it affects me with the math CASHEE exam that I have to take on Wednesday
For the third time yeah Ill try to pass it but

Well right now I'm having a hard time with my grades because I'm not very organized. So, I say I forget to write down my homework or uh ill take a test but I won’t be able to study properly cause if I'm easily distracted. So, it’s had a negative affect on my grades, which I’m trying to improve.
Like I have a processing problem. So that means it takes me longer to come up with my answers or stuff like in my classes mostly
What kind of special help do you need for your tutoring?

I need help writing essays i'm not good at organizing essays and I got special math tutoring I need help with a lot of my language stuff my dad has to help me with my Spanish and stuff cause I cant memorize verb conjugation
Erika; I think normal people get distracted from their grades a lot.

Sasha; Yes, my grades but I mean I’ve been studying and things like that but I'm more easily distracted then you’re average Joe .

Um well, ever since I realized that I had a disability I starting working with, on strategies to cope with that. I’ve been able to make more friends more easily because I’ve realized now what I’m doing wrong so I can fix it

Well, I was in grade school I think it was sixth or seventh grade and I was having a lot of problems with the other kids and with my grades.
Yeah so you don’t usually invite your friends over

did stuff at that It didn’t, it kind of, see people they didn’t really understand me when I was trying to play with them or communicate with them because I had a hard time understanding what they really wanted from me, wanting me to do so they used, I used to get in trouble and I was, I was kind of very what’s the word um I was a little str--. I was, well basically it made me strange. And the other kids thought I was strange because I didn’t know how to do these things and I was and there was just something off about me if you know what I'm saying . So I didn’t have very many friends and I grew up being kind of scared that people would make fun of me even though it didn’t happen that often, I was afraid it would cause I knew I was the kind of person that was likely to get picked on. But, over the years I’ve learned on how to handle people and I’m not afraid of bei-, making friends anymore

I need help writing essays i'm not good at organizing essays
Also same with organization; I have a hard time with organization but it’s not me actually its part of me, part of, having to do…its part of having to do with my learning disability.


Though what about the thing I mean have you ever thought about middle college or no?
No I don’t know I might do it
I’ve had friends who talk about that what do you think about Kristy she’s a lot of people don’t do well in college without a lot of preparation 
Well Kristy takes all of her classes online but she doesn’t do the work really so now she’s taking a break from her college classes cause she got bad grades so her mom put her into a new college thing I’m probably gonging to do that program at foothill with like um the workability program where you take really easy classes and part of the day you take classes and the other part of the day they let you do jobs on campus I’m going to do that so it wont be hard because they just give you basic classes for preparation
What kind of special help do you need for your tutoring?

I need help writing essays i'm not good at organizing essays and I got special math tutoring I need help with a lot of my language stuff my dad has to help me with my Spanish and stuff cause I cant memorize verb conjugation
Those are hard
What are your hobbies?
Well I like to read a lot that’s one of my major hobbies and then I also like to listen to music and stuff just pop and stuff not hard rock surprisingly I am not a hard rock person or watch TV
Not rap
No thank you I tried that before it didn’t go so well it gave me a head ache so i'm like no I think ill pass on that watch TV help organize on stuff obviously you know i'm a very organized person
Yeah you are
And surprisingly I lost two of my history assignments and now I have to redo them.
Oh great
Actually I think Mr. Navarro lost them so it’s okay
No it’s not cool
Oh wait that sucks you have to redo them
I have no clue what I’m saying I am such a space cadet.
Erika: OK so, all right. Wait what was one of the problems that you had with other people?

Sasha: Like you know, I had, I have problems reading facial expressions, reading body language, making eye contact with people um I don’t always realize when I look like I’m not paying attention, like when I’m slouched over for things like that I need to work on that.

Erika; How did that get you into trouble though?


Sasha; It didn’t, it kind of, see people they didn’t really understand me when I was trying to play with them or communicate with them because I had a hard time understanding what they really wanted from me, wanting me to do so they used, I used to get in trouble and I was, I was kind of very what’s the word um I was a little str--. I was, well basically it made me strange. And the other kids thought I was strange because I didn’t know how to do these things and I was and there was just something off about me if you know what I'm saying. So I didn’t have very many friends and I grew up being kind of scared that people would make fun of me even though it didn’t happen that often, I was afraid it would cause I knew I was the kind of person that was likely to get picked on. But, over


the years I’ve learned on how to handle people and I’m not afraid of bei-, making friends anymore
Erika That’s cool. Um, what do you still feel goes wrong in your life with Aspergers?
Sasha; Wow! Well right now I'm having a hard time with my grades because I'm not very organized. So, I say I forget to write down my homework or uh ill take a test but I won’t be able to study properly cause if I'm easily distracted. So, it’s had a negative affect on my grades, which I’m trying to improve.


Sasha; Well, its had a very major effect on the way I look at things and the way that I have grown up with people. The way I have interacted with people sometimes; not been so friendly because I didn’t understand um the way I was supposed to communicate them, communicate with them and they didn’t understand that I didn’t understand so I had a hard time uh getting to know people. So, that’s kind of had a big influence on me.

Well it affects me socially well I also have a visual disability well difficulty miss. Heaps doesn’t like the word disability.
What is your social life like?
It’s very poor

You answer the phone now so that’s good
I almost always have answered the phone now but I don’t like to make phone calls.
And I have friends but I don’t hang out with them all the time.
Tamson I’ve never actually ever seen your friends at school 300 Not that much no I’ve invited them over maybe two or three times to my house
In how many years

In freshmen year I invited them over and we did stuff I don’t remember exactly what but we did stuff. And sophomore year we did stuff and or maybe it was last year I don’t exactly remember and for my confirmation thing we had a party over at my house and we

Um well, ever since I realized that I had a disability I starting working with, on strategies to cope with that. I’ve been able to make more friends more easily because I’ve realized now what I’m doing wrong so I can fix it

Well, I was in grade school I think it was sixth or seventh grade and I was having a lot of problems with the other kids and with my grades.
Yeah so you don’t usually invite your friends over


Did stuff at that It didn’t, it kind of, see people they didn’t really understand me when I was trying to play with them or communicate with them because I had a hard time understanding what they really wanted from me, wanting me to do so they used, I used to get in trouble and I was, I was kind of very what’s the word um I was a little str--. I was, well basically it made me strange. And the other kids thought I was strange because I didn’t know how to do these things and I was and there was just something off about me if you know what I'm saying. So I didn’t have very many friends and I grew up being kind of scared that people would make fun of me even though it didn’t happen that often, I was afraid it would cause I knew I was the kind of person that was likely to get picked on. But, over the years I’ve learned on how to handle people and I’m not afraid