Tunnel Vision
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For the photo narrative project we were given a list of words that described different emotions and things. We later had to take pictures that would describe these words and make a diptych out of them. For those of you who don't know what a diptych is, it is simply two images, or pieces of art placed next to each other that relate to send a specific message.
While creating this Diptych for my PhotoNarrative project I really familiarize myself with Photoshop. For the picture on the right I added a black and white filter on the whole image except for the eye. In this Unit I also learned that if you want to tell a story through a diptych you need to make your audience question the meaning of the art.

Diptych Artist Statement:

This diptych relates to my graphic novel I drew in English class. It focuses on the central topics of my story, which includes depression, and having a closed mind-set. The first image portrays the narrow minded tunnel my character spirals into throughout the story. Being unaware of his surroundings and only focusing on his motivations and desires, he shuts out all of the people who care about him.

I added a contrast boost to the image on the right, to emphasize his or her sadness/ depression, and kept a blue eye color to show the hope he or she has to change her life around.