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My Family

my mom

Mom: My mom is probably the most important family member to me. She is always caring and really likes to help me out. Whenever i ask her, my mom will drop what she’s doing and help me or take me somewhere. While her job makes her busy, she always has time to listent to my problems and take care of me.

my momGrandma: My grandma, my mom’s mother is also a great person. She is very affectionate and active for a woman of her age. She makes the best brisket and saves things like no other. I love her to death.

Grandpa: My grandpa is a great guy. He is good sprited, positive and has never said a bad word about anyone. He is generous and very fair. He is also a wealth of knowledge and is alot of fun to talk to about complicated concepts suhc as religoin and philosophy.aunt maddy
Aunt Maddy: My aunt maddy is like my second mother. She looks out for me and is always great to talk to. She lives in new york with my grandma and has a thick accent. I often tease her for it but in reality its quite pretty.aunt maddy




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