

     And now, presenting…my animation!

     My story is about a sheep that is trapped in a claw machine. No one ever picks him, and he longs to get out. Finally, he does, but soon realizes that sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side.

     All in all, I would say that animating is one of the most tedious things I have ever done. It has taken me over 30 minutes at some points to do a scene that lasts only a few seconds. I now have such a great appreciation for all of the cartoons and Disney movies I have seen. There are so many steps to a finished animation and it takes a lot of time. From blinking to mouths moving, there were a lot of things that I had to learn. I found that I actually learned way more from doing the animation, then from watching the video tutorials. It was a learn-as-you-go type project with some minor conflicts along the way. If I could go back and change something, I would try and cut back on the narration because at times it is extremely boring to watch. But even with that, I am happy with the way it turned out and am amazed at what I was able to accomplish.

     I would also like to thank Zia, Davis, Melanie, Tiana, and Eric for voicing the characters in my animation, as well as Mr. Flo for his wonderful teaching skills and patience.

     Anyways, enjoy my animation! To view, scroll down. Right click to control the video. You'll also need to have flash player (

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