Movie Score

In Digital Media, our main focus was on building a narrative through music. Our task was to create a movie score that portrayed a particular feeling or action.

Featured below is my finished movie score that I creating using Pro Tools.

Splash Screen

Another part of our narrative unit was to create a splash screen to be featured over our websites. The purpose of this assignment was to create a narrative of ourselves to feature on our website. The splash screen features a photo and music chosen by ourselves that represent part of who we are.

Featured below is a Production shot of the code used to build my splash screen and a screenshot of my splash screen itself.

Stacked Wood Art

For our stacked wood art, we wanted to display a story that also works to tell the story of others and that can apply to everyone. My partner and I decided to illustrate tarot cards as a way of representing a narrative itself and also the story of each tarot suit. Our project was split into four different wood stacks each illustrating the elements in which that specific tarot suit represents. Both my partner and I were responsible for designing two of the four cards.

I really enjoyed this project not only because I think the process itself was super satisfying, but also because I got to tell a story that I myself was not even familiar with. I personally did not have any experience with tarot cards prior to this and I thought it was really interesting to take a dive into something so unique and new. I also really just enjoyed the project because it was very design-based, which is my elective and what I enjoy the most.

Design                  Digital Media                    English