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In the diptych project we had to choose two different images, based on quotes from our poem that we chose, each quote had symbolic meaning towards each other and juxapose them against each other.

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Left diptych picture quote: "sitting in front of a television set watching the outside world"

Right diptych picture quote: "like a mother to a child"

The left photo is a picture of binoculars sitting on a post with a beautiful view of almost the entire Bay Area in the background. The binoculars represent an object used for viewing something. They are pointed off in the direction with the view showing there is a potential to gaze upon the world in great detail, however they aren’t being used because I wanted to get a broader look upon the world instead of narrowing it down into better detail. The right photo is a picture of two trees. One of the trees is significantly larger than the other, while the second, smaller one, sits right next to the trunk of the larger tree. The smaller tree represents a child that hasn’t found himself truly yet, still sitting in the shade of his mother.

Both of these pictures were taken in Foothills Park off of Page Mill road. The left photo was shot from the viewing area and I used a telephoto lens. I put the binoculars in the bottom left corner of the photo because I wanted the view of the Bay Area to be the focus of the shot. The right photo was taken off a hiking trail in Foothills Park. I used a telephoto lens as well and chose this picture because it was the best example of a smaller tree in the shade of a larger one.