


screenplay animatic

short story

Short Story

The project of making a short story was a great oppertunity to have complete freedom in writing. There weren't any rules, or really any guidlines given that we had to stick to when writing. At first, when I didn't have any rules to follow I was kind of lost and didn't know where to start. Once I spent time brainstorming, and coming up with conflicts that could be relatable, short, and open-ended I was able to pull out a short, short story.
My central purpose for this story, was to explore the common issue of communication between men and women, or the lack there of. I wanted my story to have arguments from both sides, and involve real situations so the reader was able to connect. I think this was important because relationship issues are extremely common, and really, who can't relate? As people with emotions we're constantly confronted with things that make us feel amazing and horrible. In this case, it can be the same thing, and how we handle it can determine our future. Do you give up on something because it's too difficult? Or do you keep trying to keep it alive because it's worth it? This question is what I explore in my short story, and my photo narrative movie.

click here to read my short, short story
click here for a larger version

photo one

photo two

photo three

photo four
photo five    photo six    photo seven
brennan w © freestyle acaat 2007