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I believe that Art is the greatest thing in life. Art is a wonderful thing, whether it’s graffiti or the Mona Lisa. Art can help me express what’s on my mind. All I have to do is pick up a pencil and make a sketch. It can end up being something really incredible. My family is very artistic, and I am the youngest of five children. There is always some sort of art project going on, any given day, since I can remember. When I was a kindergartner, my mom told me that my teacher thought I was the best five year old artist she’d ever seen. I was amazed, because she’d been teaching for ten years. I always thought it was weird that I was the only kid that didn’t color outside the lines. I cared about my work, and I am told that I stayed in during recess sometimes to finish my art work. When we had to create a page for the “special person of the week”, I apparently worked very hard on my creations. I even encouraged the students at my desk to care more about their art work and not rush. My approach towards art was easy for me in my younger years.

When third grade came along, there was an art contest for the best third grader in the district. I didn’t really think the contest was that cool, so I didn’t really try that hard. I had to draw an animal with pastels. I chose to draw a cheetah. I ended up winning. I was shocked that my art was going to be displayed in a museum in San Jose for the rest of my life. This shows that even if you don’t like your work, it can be considered a masterpiece to someone else. This was one of the first times I was given rules for my art, and told what medium to use. I enjoyed the process of creating the art, and particularly liked being recognized with family beside me at the ceremony.
Then, later on in middle school, I found out they had an art class for an entire period. I ended up taking it for two years and hanging out in the classroom every day.
Jean Michel Basquiat, an expressionist artist, once said, “I start a picture and I finish it. I don’t think about art while I work. I try to think about life.” I think this is a great quote because art isn’t something to think hard about. I like to just put down ideas and end up expressing myself. I enjoy thinking about something and then drawing it, rather then being told what to draw. When my ideas and sketches come together, it may make an amazing piece of work. Art shouldn’t be something that involves stress. Sometimes it blocks my creativity when I am directed to draw a particular thing. Art allows me to experiment with good and bad ideas, and hopefully end up with a few great ones along the way.
Overall, I hope that my passion for art can follow with me throughout my life. That would be great if I ended up having a great career in some sort of art industry. I hope that one day everyone will like art as much as I do.


My essay is about my love for art. I show this by telling about personal art experiences through my life. I also talk about how I hope to use art later on in life