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This is the last opinions page of the year and I am glad to have it be over because it is kind of annoying to have to write an opinion when you have ton of other work that needs to be done. I do agree with Mr.F that writing opinions is a good thing because you have to put the opinion on the web so, it is good because it refreshes your mind of how to put things on the web which is good because it can be really annoying to ask people all the time how to put something up.


Good news it is almost summer here. I am pretty ready for school to be over but I always end up missing it because. I can't always think of things to do in the summer because school normally takes up most of my days so for me summer is good because we don't have school but is also kind of bad because I miss having something to do like school but i'm glad I get to just relax.



Last weekend I purchased my first longboard which is really cool. I have always wanted one. I got it because one night before I went to bed I was like I really want a longboard so the next thing I knew I was at the Black Diamond Sports in Palo Alto spending $450 on a longboard. I really love this board because it is so strong and stable. The board is called a the Dervish by loaded longboards. I have already gone over 50mph on it which was so fun. I went down this hill that is 5 miles long it is located in Los Altos Hills.



I got my permit the day after I took drivers Ed which is really good because It is something that I really needed to have as soon as possible because I have to wait 6 months before I am able to get my drivers license which is a while away because I will be able to get it around october which seems really far from now which is kind of bad but its better to get it sooner then later.



Over spring break I am signed up for Drivers ED which is really good, because I really need to be able to drive. I don't like to always ask people for rides. It will also be really helpful because if I need to get something and my mom doesn't want to take me I can go get it. I will also be able to go over to friends houses more Often which will be really nice because I don't really get to see them that much except for on weekends.



This week is pretty good because there is only one more week till spring break. Spring break should be really nice because It is supposed to be really warm which is good. I hope to make it over to the beach over break, or at least go swimming somewhere. Or I might end up going skateboarding or Mountain biking over break just to get outside and forget about school for a week it should be nice.


This week was pretty good because this week I got a gas scooter for free from my friend’s friend. I got it for free because the scooter doesn’t run. But the scooter is really cool. It has a 3 hp engine, which has some power. So the other day one of my friends and I decided to see if we could get it to run. So we tried for a day and found out that it was missing a on and off switch. It started but only runs for a couple of seconds then dies. I think there is a problem of the engine not getting fuel.



This week was kind of weird I thought that Monday the 17th was supposed to be saint Patrick’s day, but I guess It wasn’t It was Saturday the 15th It was on Saturday because I guess the pope had to move it back two days because it conflicted with holy week. This change in Saint Patrick’s Day only happens about every 60 years.



On Wednesday it was my birthday, which was pretty cool I turned 17 but I still feel like im 16.  I am not a big fan of birthdays I just think of them as a normal day that you happen to get presents on. Its cool to me, but I think there is too much hype about birthdays because they seem like there not really that important. So ya that’s my opinion on birthdays. I think I lived them more when I was younger because I got toys and things that I liked at the time. But now I don’t really need anymore junk that’s why I prefer money over a present.



This week was pretty good except I hade to write a 1,500 word essay which was pretty hard for me since I don’t think I have written that much in my life. I think I turned out really good I’m pretty proud of it. It is cool to know that I am able to write that much and now I feel like it might be easier for me to write a 3 page paper like it is nothing.



This week was pretty good. It went by really fast. I finally put my opinions page up which is really good. Another  thing that is good is now I finally have enough money for my bike that I have been building for 2 years so I’m happy about that.



I just finished my persuasive essay. It was fun because it was about junk mail. To me junk mail is a horrible thing. First of all it is annoying to get and it also is really bad for the environment. It was interesting what I learned because I never knew how many trees are used each year on junk mail it was shocking. One website said that they use as many trees as the whole rocky mountain forest every 4 months.



This week is pretty good because I went to the beach, which was really fun. It was also really cold and overcast at least I had a wet suit or I would of froze to death. At the beach I skim boarded and boogie boarded. I kind of hurt my ankle, which kind of sucked. I think I did it when I got some air on the skim board and then slipped off and landed in a shallow area.



This week was pretty good because I went skateboarding which I haven’t done for along time. I went to a skate park in Sunnyvale. That park is really cool It is completely made out of cement which is cool because it doesn’t get as hot as some other parks made out of metal. They also have a cool skateboard shop across the street call fish banks. While I wa there I only fell a couple of times which was good since I haven’t been skateboarding for a while.



My Christmas break was really good, because everyone was home. My sister came back from collage so I hadn’t seen her for a couple of months so that was cool. Also my brothers came over which was cool because they don’t normally even though they live in the area. The rest of my break was fun because I hung out with friends and just relaxed.



A few nights ago I had an epic Halloween. I went trick or treating with one of my friend Adam. We started trick or treating at 6:30 p.m and ended up finishing around 8:30 p.m. After we finished we went back to his house to see what the weight of the candy was. I ended up getting 13 lbs and Adam ended up getting a whopping 20 lbs. That is why my Halloween was so great. Later that night I ended up sorting the candy by types and seeing what type of candy I had the most of.