Character Portrait

In my Design class we were asked to take a portrait of someone dressed up and acting like one of our characters from our animation. I learned so much about storytelling from this assignment. I was surprised that with a little makeup, some strategic posing, and a couple cool new photoshop effects I could convey a small glimpse into my character. I also learned the significance of details in photographs. The details are what really tell my story in this photo. One of the new photoshop skills I used was highlighting different parts of the image. Another skill I learned was how to fill in the background with the same texture so that it looks smooth.

Click to view my Character Portrait!

I created a portrait of my main character Alice for Design class. My portrait is of my character Alice, a six-year-old who loves to dance when she is at home. Alice is terrified at the thought of having to perform her favorite dance,"The Bunny Hop", at her upcoming recital. At the recital Alice slips and falls while performing. She begins to cry onstage until she is rescued by her mother who takes her back home. Once Alice is home again Alice’s mother tells her that she is proud of Alice for trying her best in a scary situation. After the conversation Alice finally feels confident to hop again.

I chose to capture the moment of Alice panicking right before her recital, when she is in costume, for my portrait. I tried to communicate Alice’s youth through pastel colors such as blue and pink, and by including props such as a baby blanket and a toy rabbit. I tried to convey Alice’s fear through her intense facial expression and by having her grip the dance recital programs tightly in front of her.