The definition of an animatic is: a panel or series of panels of rough sketches outlining the scene sequence and major changes of action or plot in a production to be shot on film or video. To make our animatics, we had a printed out storyboard and drew/sketched out the main idea for each scene to the best of our ability. This was not a fancy drawing, just the main focuses and their motions. We were also taught what symbols indicate which actions for animating, such as arrows at the end meaning fade outs, and boxes over an aspect of the scene and then lines outward symbolizing that it starts zoomed in, and then zooms out. We planned all of these scene changes, transitions, and zooms on the paper. We then scanned in our storyboards and sliced them up using Photoshop. We placed these sliced drawings into Flash and added all the effects and transitions, sound effects, and narrations to make the final piece. The whole point of the animatic is to plan out our animation.


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To view the Animatic, you must have Flash Player 9, available at


To view the Animatic, please click here.