
Title of Illustation

An illustrations is depiction of an image with a meaning.

In design we were asked to use Adobe Illustrator to create our illustration. This project forced us to create a symbolic illustration symbolizing the meaning behind our personal essay. The key tool that was used was the pen tool. This was very difficult to use at first by creating the smooth curves and lines, but as time progressed I started getting the hang of it. Another difficult tool to use was the gradient mesh tool. This creates a gradient like effect on the image and is placed where ever you select it. Once again as time progressed I began to get the hang of it.


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The concealing effects of masks

The form of a mask represents the desire to hide the identity of a person or establish it as another being. Masks cover and conceal what people do not want others to see. Medications can act as masks by hiding emotions and feelings from the outside world. Similar to masks, medications can conceal what one truly feels and makes them not be able to express their emotions. I chose a white mask because white is a sterile and cold color which makes me think of numbness; and like medications often when you take them they make you feel numb. I chose to use accents of “gold” in my mask to show glimmers of hope. These gold glimmers represent how a medicated person can sometimes feel little hints of feelings shining through their mask (or medicated self).

I created my illustration using Adobe Illustrator. First, I placed my object of a mask. Then I used the pen and fill tools to create the objects and drawing of the mask. I tackled creating the mask first to establish a focal point, then I created the gold embellishment. I used the gradient mesh tool on the lips to give them a golden shine, and I used the gradient tool on the jewels to create a spherical look. The most difficult challenge I had to overcome was probably getting used to using the pen tool, and using the Wacom tablet to draw on. I overcame these challenges by taking my time and practicing with the new tools. Once I got the hang of it, I had a lot of fun creating my project using the tablet, and it was easier than using a mouse. Another challenge I had to overcome was the use of the mesh gradient tool in Illustrator. I had some issues with this tool because when I created one mesh and tried to create another right next to it, it would appear all choppy. In the end, I decided to use a gradient instead which had a similar effect. Overall I found this project very difficult but the ending result was very satisfying.