
The Burns Clan

My family is a big part of my life, not just because I live with them, but because I really look up to them. My upbringing has been affected greatly by their influence and guidance, and I wouldn't be here without them.

Mother Dearest

This is my mother. She is the hero of my family, raising four kids alone and staying flawless. She's one of the friendliest people I know, and I can't imagine where I would be without her influence.

Andie and I

This is my twin sister, Andie. She is my best friend, and the person I am closest to. Having lived with her my whole life, she has a big influence on me, my personality, and the way I look at life. Also sometimes she lets me borrow her green lipstick and I dig that.

Andie is a punkrock. Andie is the punkrock. Andie is the spirit of punkrock. Al hail.


This is my older sister, Isabel. She's currently doing a gap-year program in Ecuador right now, and I really miss her. She's the funny one in the family, always quick with a joke, and she's such an outgoing person that sometimes I find it hard to beliee we're related. I look up to her as a role model.

My older brother Jon

This is my older brother, Jon, who also happens to be Isabel's twin. I miss him as well because he's in Connecticut at school. He has good taste in music, and is pictured playing the bass guitar.









