
My Friends

My friends are the people I rely on the most in my daily life. They support me unconditionally, and I can't imagine not having them. They've really helped shape my life, especially because I've known most of them since elementary school. Their influence affects me right down to my mannerisms and speech patterns, and I love them all dearly.


This is Tallulah. Though I don’t see her often due to the fact that we don’t go to the same school and that we both have busy schedules, she is like a sister to me. She may or may not have a secret life as a professional pogo-stick-riding champion. Either way, I’m glad to have met her back in the day.


This is Rebecca. She is made of sparkles, sunshine, scarves, and the tears of her enemies. This girl is hardcore and nobody can convince me otherwise. Plus, she has great taste in music. I’m truly lucky to have her.


This is Morgan. I’m pretty sure she’s an actual superhero, but it’s hard to be sure. The sheer amount of friendliness and kindness she is able to express should at least qualify as superhuman. Next step: spandex costume.

Katie and Andie

This is Kaitlin. We rarely have time to see each other, but she makes me happy to be around. It could even be said that Katie must be an astronaut, because she is out of this world, am i right? Or maybe she’s a root vegetable in the Brassicaceae family, because she sure is rad-ish! Or perhaps she has so much class she must be pre-revolutionary France. The world may never know. Bottom line: Katie is the bomb dot com.









