Copyright © 2012 Freestyle Academy

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Before making our animations, we began with an animatic. The purpose of an animatic is to map out what our animations will look like, and if our ideas are realitstic. By making an animatic, we are actually conserving time and producing better work. This is because having a complete idea makes our work more sophisticated and the creation of our animations move much more quickly.

For the animatic, we began with our graphic novels which we created in English. Our novels were then scanned onto a computer where we would acess them from our computers to create the animatic. Beforehand however, we had to do three sets of tutorials: two sets of basics, and the final being another animatic, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, prior to our own. For the BWCW, we had pre-recorded sounds and drawn panals. Our job was to just put it together. For our animatics however, we had to download sound effects from a folder Mr. Florendo provided, and also bring our graphic novels for panels.

Big thanks to Ean Pollock (Voiced the Jerk), Annamarri Jaaski (Voiced Sequoia), and Steve Adams (Moral Support)