

"I have an excellent idea, LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT." -March Hare, Alice in Wonderland

5/24/07 - Woah

24 had a really mellow ending. i demand more action.

Prom is saturday.

I kick ass at boxing on a wii.

I need to buy shoes.

Pillows are pretty cool.

I just blinked! and again!

5/15/07 - Musical fun

Playing in garageband today! what musical fun-ness.

5/11/07 - Jack Bauer is amazing

If Jack Bauer was president, he would protect the secret service.

When a convicted terrorist was sentenced to face Jack Bauer, he appealed to have the sentence reduced to death.

Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. Jack Bauer see the glass as a deadly weapon.

If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice.

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

Jack Bauer could strangle you with a cordless phone.

The Berlin Wall fell because Jack Bauer needed to get to the other side.

Jack Bauer doesn't have a firewall on his PC. He has a Bauerwall. It's basically just a JPEG of Jack Bauer. No virus has ever attacked Jack Bauer's PC. Ever.

Jack Bauer arrested RoboCop. Think about that.

Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer.

There are two hands that can beat a royal flush. Jack Bauer's right hand and Jack Bauer's left hand.

5/02/07 - spreading the word

well apparently the following number has been copywrited:

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

because its some sort of code that has to do with hd dvd, so I'll join the people spreading it around to fill this lovely blog entry.

4/20/07 - Vroom Vroom

Hey! Guess what? I bet you can't guess. I could be thinking about a million things: striped socks, pandas, Puss in Boots, those clear plastic umbrellas, beach balls, bobsleds, dinner mints or the Magna Carta.

As you probably did guess, i'm not going to talk about any of those things. What i would like to say is that my year is finally up! I can now legal drive all persons.


4/02/07 - Prison Break Finale Tonight!

No! a Finale already! Boo. That show is too good to end. At least T-Bag got stabbed in his other arm so he should be doing more more damage. That was a really cool scene that michael (wentworth miller) rocked. He's the coolest character. Well, Abruzzi was pretty cool too, but he's been dead for quite a while... Mahone still sucks but at least Kellerman did one good thing. Well two actually, the first was shooting Mahone...

3/27/07 - 24!

Last night was the happiest episode of 24 in season 6! I'm still grinning for the endless coolness of the episode. Here's some of the stuff: Doyle sucked, but not as much, Milo hooked up with Nadia, Jack showed his sweet side, BRADY DIDN'T GET SHOT!, brady's brother didn't need to be tortured forever till he spilled the info, gridenko got captured easily, palmer woke up and stopped the idiotic vice president and Jack kicks ass as always.

3/23/07 - Need more popcorn

There are so many great movies i've been hearing about for this summer. And the weird thing is that there are a lot of third movies coming out: spiderman 3, pirates of the carribean 3, shrek 3, and theres also the secon fantastic four movie. It's like they've run out of additional stories.

3/15/07 - The New World

Okay so this weekend i was watching the movie 'the new world,' and i must say, ITS A WASTE OF TIME. Don't bother. EVER. 10 minutes into the movie and i was already fast forwarding selective parts. Originally i decided to watch it because Christain Bale was in it (Batman was sooo good). But hes only in the second half of the movie and by the time i got to the scond half i stopped watching.

3/08/07 - Bender Vs. Zoidberg

Who would you say is the best character in Futurama? I mean, they're all pretty cool in their own ways. But i've narrowed my preference between Bender and Zoidberg. I mean, how can you pick between the two? Bender has so many more funny moments and personality quirks. But in the few moments he shines in each episde, Zoidberg can always make you laugh. Like in the episode when the crew goes back in time to around 1950 and zoidberg gets captured and they experiment on him. That's got to be his best episode ever.

I change my mind, Dr. Zoidberg is the best.

Dr. Zoidberg: "Talk to the claw."
Bender: "Bite my collosal metal ass."

2/27/07 - singing in the rain

Its raining. Isn't that nice?

2/16/07 - On the verge of break!

Sweet. I can't wait till break starts. There's been too much between Calc, yearbook and endless tasks of Freestyle. Oh, and my awesome poster for my company presentation on Marvel.

Let's start a riot. ( <- music lyrics i'm listening to. i like this song. good stuff man.)

2/8/07 - Country Gourmet!

What are you doing sitting in your chair? I bet you're hungry! Go to Country Gourmet, its got really good food. I had the veggie burger and it was yummy yummy. Why are you still reading? GO EAT THERE.

2/2/07 - Lunchtime Nightmare

As usual, I read another really ridiculous article the other day about a school that bans kids from talking while they eat their lunches. They just sit in silence. ARE THESE ADMINISTRATORS CRAZY?!?! 'What's their reasoning?' you might ask. Well, apparently they've had "choking incidents." Honestly, thats the crappiest excuse EVER. I mean these are young kids that need to be able to talk to each other, not eat lunch in dead silence. I just couldn't get over this. I wouldn't be able to stand a whole cafeteria of students sitting at tables silently eating alone. I would go crazy. Maybe I would scream and hysterically run away with my arms flailing. If that wasn't an option, I'd at least bring a stereo and blast some Wolfmother or Three Days Grace. That wouldn't be a choking hazard right?

1/26/07 - qwertyuiop

How did they evercome up with the order that keys are on a keyboard? Because every single keyboard is the same. But its really random isn't it? QWERT? YUIOP? ASDFG?!?!? Some strange inventor that mus have been. Perhaps he was psychotic. Perhaps he was a genius. Afterall, everyone copied him right?

12/08/2006 - We love the Moon

Bush and the space nerds at NASA finally announced that they plan to set up a base camp on the moon. It's about time! This is how its basically going to go:

2009 — a first test of one of the lunar spaceships.

2014 — the first manned test flight of the Orion crew exploration vehicle, but no moon landing.

2020 — the first flight of the four-astronaut crew to the moon.
Can you believe that!?! It'll take till 2020 to get the crew to land there and a permanent staff by 2024! That's in like- FOREVER. What takes them so long? I mean i know that theyve got to have tests and be safe and all, but it's like snail paced. In 2024 i'll be about 34 years old. That's double my current age. Ew.




12/1/06 - Old age

I read this article the other day about a 94 year old lady who was still really good at bowling but here was a catch- she's legally blind! I just thought this was impressive as all she could relly see clearly ws the front of the lane lines and she could bowl strikes. And if she didn't knock all her pins down, her husband would tell her which ones were still standing and she could hit them! She's got serious skills...at 94!



11/20/06 - The PS3

So have you heard about the craze over the PS3 shortage? There are some pretty scary horror stories out there. Some guy ran into a pole and broke his nose trying to get one. Another guy got shot waiting in line. People have been threatened and beat up.

Those are the RIDICULOUS situation. Seriously, shooting someone over a gaming console. I mean it's cool toy, but not worth THAT much. I've heard about people that camped outside stores for days to get their spots. CRAzY PEOPLE!

At least there are some humane people in this store.


11/15/06 - Caveman Vs. Astronaut

Opinions opinions.

Here's a question for ya.
In a fight, who would win, a caveman or an astronaut?

In my opinion it's the caveman. It's all about the raw brute force in this fight. Cavemen have clubs and astronauts have nothing. well, they've got those fancy moon suits and they can fly a spaceship. whoop-dee-doo. The Caveman wins.

By the way, it's my birthday Friday. About time I turned 17


11/06/06 - Time fades away.

So it's been exactly a year now.

Feels like yesterday.

I miss you Dad.

10/27/06 - Candy candy candy

Tootsie rolls are gross. I advise you don't eat more than one a day. I mean, what exactly is a tootsie roll? I say it's a nasty fake chocolate.

Go eat a Cadbury Flake bar. Now THAT'S a chocolate worth your time and chewing effort. (Their kinda hard to find around here sometimes...Lets go to England and buy bunches of them! and Jaffa cakes too. YUM)

10/14/06 - How to Make a Crappy Evening

Step 1: Be really really hungry.

Step 2: Get pick-up-the-food-from-Los-Charros duty. Just like every friday.

Step 3: Find no parking in downtown Mountain View for a half hour because its friday night.

Step 4: In midst of finding parking, turn on a few wrong streets and get lost.

Step 5: Become confused, hungry, and tired.

Step 6: Don't come to a complete stop at the stop sign when turning right.

Step 7: Get caught by a cop. Pull into a parking lot and just stop in it becase there aren't open spots to pull into.

Step 8: Turn off car and recieve ticket from officer. BY THE WAY, You know you have insurance and your vehicle is registered, but the proof you are caring is EXPIRED.

Step 9: The guy who's car your car is blocking comes back and wants you to move.

Step 10: The headlights of your had been on for a few minutes and your battery sucks. Congrats, you can't turn the car on.

Step 11: THe officer and other guys push your car forward to get it out of the way.

Step 12: Two officers together help you push the car into that parking spot.

Step 13: You have your brother pick you up, you finally pick up the food, and you go home to watch X-men 3.

UGH. What a Night.

09/04/2006 - More than just a color?

"Queen of Hearts : Who's been painting my roses red? WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED? Who dares to taint, With vulgar paint, The royal flower bed? For painting my roses red, Someone will lose his head."

Welcome to my first blog entry. This week's topic: The color red.

This is getting RIDICULOUS.

A recent rule at MVHS regarding colors has been imposed upon the students. No student is to be wearing more than one article of red clothing. Now this isn't a problem for me since I don't wear much red anyways, but the idea still bothers me. I mean, Red is the senior class color! So if I were to show my senior pride and wear the class shirt, I've reached my limit of red-articles.

And what about yellow? If you're dressed head to toe in yellow, no one would ever see the correlation to gangs. You may be considered to be a fan of bananas or Lance Armstrong, but not a gang member.

So why the great obsession over red? Can't it just be accepted as a color like all the others? Stop signs are red. Does that make them bad? Should we ignore them?

There's red on the American Flag. It sybolizes valor and hardiness. Not hate nor violence.

I've decide to dedicate the rest of this blog to all good things related to the color RED.

Po the Teletubby
Oxygenated Blood
American Red Cross logo
Fire extinguishers
Hearts and Valentine's Day
Red is the color of passion
red ribbons: AIDS awareness
Light Sabers
The Red Power Ranger
Fruits: cherries, strawberries, apples
Dorothy's Ruby Red Shoes
The Red Carpet
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Lady in Red
Super mario
The Incredibles

Post YOUR Opinions below.