

"He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. " -Lao Tzu



-Name: Kavita
-Nickname: Taxi
-Age: 16
-Born on: Nov. 17
-Glad to live in: Mtn. View
-Proudly from: ENGLAND
-Will happily accept: Free donuts or cookies.
-Do not feed: Raisins. UCK.
-Preferred superpower: Flight
-Could live without: Pencils. Pens are better!
Couldn't live without: Family

   I suppose if you are reading this, the short facts up there^ just weren't enough for you so here's the slightly longer version: Let's start at the beginning then. It all starts in Southend-on-Sea, that's where I was born. No, its not in the middle of some sea, that's the name of a town in England. My family moved here when I was about 1 years old, so I didn't get a really cool accent. In first grade I lost my first tooth. In third grade I played Jupiter in the class play. If you don't know me very well, it was really embarassing because I've always been the shortest kid in my class and one of my few lines were "I'm the biggest one of all." The parents certainly got a kick out of it. In fourth grade I proudly solved a puzzle on the first day of school that usually took students a few months to solve. Freshman year of high school I met friends that were more like me and life was peachy. Then November 6th of junior year, my dad passed away from a heart attack. I miss him so much and things haven't been the same since then. But I appreciate everything and everyone I have so much more. Which brings me to the quote on my homepage: "Life is too short to buy green bananas." I'll leave it up to you to buy the banana color of your choice.
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