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5/22/07 Sorry for the delay

Hey people,

I am so sorry for now putting up anything new in the blogs, but now I'm here. I am going to do this every Tuesday and Thursday so you all won't be disappointed.

Here are some updates for ya. First off, I mention about two months ago that I have a new look.








Here it is finally.







So much different from the beggining of the year.













I can't believe I had that much hair.













Anywho, about colleges. I have made my decision. I'm going to the University of Oklahoma. I can't wait for the school year to end. I feel freedom in the wind every time I look at a calander now. Well, the countdown is near the end. I will miss MVHS, of course. What I won't miss will be the stress in high school. I'll have plenty of that next year.

Lastly, as you can tell, the website has been updated, so there are mistakes bound. If you experience anything, please type in where you are having problems in the public opinions on the main opinion page.

That's it for now, check back on Thursday for another blog.

This is Schaffy signing off.

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