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05/31/07 Senior Awards Night

Last Night was Senior Awards Night. I was a bit shocked when I received a letter that I had been given something, which turned out to be the Scholarship from University of Oklahoma. The people that I saw there were true, dedicated students who worked hard to get where they are today through academics, sports and other various activities. To tell you the truth, when I found out why I was going, I didn't feel like I deserved to be there. It was just a Legacy scholarship, stating that my grandparents went there and they want to honor me for that. Compare that to the others and you will see that I didn't anything that great in academics (Wow, my first blog in the year that make me feel down on myself. This sucks). What's worst is that feeling saying, "I could have receieved that if I just worked a bit harder." But this is just another case of "Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda." At least I got something out of it.

Earlier this week, I was thinking about my High School life. How I have changed from a person who was isolated, a little bit lazy and who made some of the most stupid academic choices to someone who is dedicated to his work and haas enjoyed the company of friends. I'm still a little bit lazy, but that will defiantly be fixed in college.

Well, I have to go. I need to get my experimental project done before monday, and I don't even have 2 poems done. This end of the year crap is really affecting my academics. See ya next Tuesday.

This is Schaffy signing off.

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