


            Spring Break is coming up and that means I should be spending it having fun. I will be trying to do this the entire break, but my parents are making me go to this two day class thing that is supposed to help me figure out what I like to do, so I can figure out what major is right for me. It’s up in San Francisco and I don’t see the point of it. My parents are spending like $500 just to figure out what I like to do, when they could just ask me what I like. The thing is half the stuff I like to do, the chances of getting a career in are quite slim, or I’m not very good at it but I still like it. I don’t see why all these juniors are wasting their time going off and visiting colleges during their spring break. I can see how it might matter to some people, but it just doesn’t seem like the right time to be doing it. I would want to go visit after I know what colleges I’ve gotten in to, so that I can figure out which one I should choose.


            Yesterday was April Fools Day, and my friend’s car got owned. He is on the lacrosse team lets the freshmen keep there gear in his car during school so they don’t have to carry it around all day. Since they need to be able to get their stuff, he gave them his code (his car is one of those with the codes that you type into the door and it unlocks the car). So yesterday after school we all get out of class and its cover in car paint and saran wrap, and the inside is filled with packing peanuts. The point of this is that I think April Fools day is extremely stupid and pointless. It gives people an excuse to do idiotic things and then be able to say “April Fools” and get away with it. I’m not just saying I don’t like April Fools day because I am the one that always gets pranked (which I’m not), it’s that I hate all the dumb things that people get away with doing, just because they say “April Fools” after they do. I don’t have a problem with the small things, but the things like what happened to my friend Adam is just stupid and shouldn’t happen.



            I just found this thing called the KAOSSILATOR it’s made by Korg. It is a pocket-sized synthesizer that operated by tapping and sliding your fingers on a touch screen. It has 100’s of synths and it makes music much easier for people to make, even if the person isn’t musical at all. The problem with this and things like it, is that it makes music so much easier for stupid people to make, then because they don’t understand music, they end up making crappy music. I am one of the non-musical ones, and I’m saying that they should stop making music easier to make. I can’t make music, so I if I got hold of one of those crazy machines, I would end up making really bad music and then regret it because I know that it all just degrades the quality of music out there. That is why I don’t make music. Bands back in the day had to actually know how to set up their equipment, and know how it works. Now people can just hire tech geeks to set up sound machines, and they don’t need any actual talent to make their music. Music needs to become music again.



           This weekend I am taking the SAT for the first time. It starts at 8 but I need to be there at 7:45. This sucks because I have to get up early and then go take an almost pointless 4-5 hour test on Saturday. In my opinion, the SAT is not a good way to measure how smart students are. It is one test that a good portion of your life depends on, and it is full of tricks to try to make you fail. How can they make one test decide how smart you if all they do is try to trick you? Clearly I am not excited for this test at all. In my opinions they should have multiple test, similar to the SAT, but at the same time nothing like it. They should have 5 or 6 tests that you take through out you junior and senior year. They should also not try to trick you. They questions should be straightforward. Also, they shouldn’t make you take it on the weekend or pay for. Then they should take the average of these tests, also dropping the lowest score incase you had a bad test. I despise the SAT.



           Sometime this week or last week, Tom Ammiano introduced AB 390, an assembly bill that if passed would legalize and regulate marijuana in the state of California, which has the possibility to generate more than $1 billion a year. In this current financial crisis, this is what exactly what we need. Next year at my little brothers Jr. High School, they plan to reduce the number of periods, so that there is one less period for electives. So how is this related to AB 390? I believe that with the money that would surely be generated for the state with this bill because of the tax that would be put on marijuana, just like cigarettes currently, many schools, not just my brothers, would not have to make these budget cuts. The proposed bill will bar anyone under 21 from purchasing marijuana, just like alcohol, and plans to put a state tax on it as well. This is exactly what our economy need right now. Many people are only against it because they believe it is just a plight to legalize marijuana, but that don't realize that it will, in fact, help our economy greatly. Furthermore, it will allow cops all over the state to deal with more important things because they won't have to be running around punishing people, who are hardly criminals, just for smoking pot. I hope that it passes, partially because I believe that marijuana is a harmless drug and that it should be legal, but also because it will help our state.



           I don't get why it is so bad for Michael Phelps to have been caught smoking pot. It just shows how even successful people can smoke pot and still be successful. I hate how now he is appologizing to the public, like he did some horrible thing. It was in the past, forget about it. For one thing, I believe that pot should be legalized. I am not saying this because I'm some stupid pot smoking hippy. I believe that if it were legal, there could be a tax so that the each state could benfit greatly. Furthermore our jails and prisons would not be clogged up with petty marijuana crimes. If you think about it, marijuana is like a combination of cigarettes and alcohol, only better. Weed is like cigarettes because it is bad for your lungs, but it is also better because it helps prevent cancer. It is similair to alcohol because it slows your brain functions and reaction time, but much better because it is not as addictive and almost no people have died from a marijuana overdose. It is also much safer than alcohol because have you ever heard of someone dying in a car crash because they were high, but plenty people die every week from drunk driving.



           I don't get stupid internet viral videos and then all the stupid comments people write on those videos. It's like the people writing these comments and making these videos dont realize how unintelligent it makes them look. It seems pointless, they all just sit at home and watching random videos until they find one that is maybe only mildly funny, it seems like a huge waste of time, I would much rather be outside doing something acutally useful. The people who do this must have no life. I'm not saying that finding these videos funny or leaving actually intelligent comments are stupid, I'm saying that the people who have nothing better to do than make racist and sexist comments or just say retarded things and just say terrible things to each other. If you look at any viral video on youtube, there are many examples of how stupid these people are.



           This week has gone by really quickly, it has seemed faster than last week even though we had only 3 days of school last week. It's weird but I like it. I'm really excited for the upcoming design illustration we will be working on, it's gunna be a lot of fun. We just learned bunch of new things that are pretty simple but I really like them and think that they can be used in some pretty freakin awesome ways. Haha I'm listening to Pandora right now and the theme to Halo just came on. That's pretty random, I wouldn't think they would have that on there, but it's a pretty epic song, it's giving me the motivation to right this right now. My animation isn't really coming along as well as I thought, it's probably because I haven't thought about the way its going to look, and that I can't draw it to look the way that I imagined it. That kinda pisses me off but I'll get over it. My good friend's dog died last Saturday and she was an awesome dog, I hope she's having a good time in doggy heaven. RIP Rascal.



           Hey anyone who is reading this, this week has been quite chill for the most part. I have been working on my photonarrative a lot and I keep coming up with more ideas every night and the final project is due next tuesday. I really want to re-shoot because these new ideas but I would only be able to that this weekend so I would have to do all my editing on monday. So I don't know what to do. In other news, my brothers coming home from CU this saturday which is cool except I might have to give up my room to him which would suck. But I would give it up if he wants it, I'm not gunna be a dick. My main opinion for today is more of a question, why were the campaigns for president called "Obama 08" and "McCain 08" if they would become president until 2009. It just doesn't make sense to me. Doing all the drawings for the animation is hard, especially because I'm no good at drawing. I can't wait for tomorrow because there is a Y-Show and its gunna pretty awesome because there hasn't been one in about a month.



           This is my first entry and personally I can tell I am not going to like doing this every week, but that ok because I'll do it anyways. Today has been a really busy week, espesically these last two days because we have our exhibition today. Everyone is running around, rushing to finish their projects. I am obviously one of those people. I am going to go print my Illustration and self-portrait now.





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