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The illustration assignment was a way of expressing our qualities that were good for us to have but that were also harmful and share with the people around us what we thought they were.


intergalactic curiosity

My illustration represents one of my qualities that I believe to be good and bad depending on the situation. My curiosity keeps me informed so that I’m not always confused about what people are doing or talking about but it also allows me to discover new things instead of doing the same thing over and over. The negative part about my curiosity would have to be that I often annoy people with my constant questioning and prying into matters that don’t involve me. My illustration shows a person who is giving himself up to alien invaders who are going to abduct him. It tells a story of this mans curiosity and how he would risk his life to understand these other lifeforms. The colors I have chosen for this piece are cool colors to represent the night time and the mysterious side of this alien abduction. The city below has bright lights that further strengthens the idea of this being in the night time. My intention for this picture is not only to explain how my curiosity can be good or bad but also to leave the viewer curious to weather or not this ends up being good or bad for the character being abducted.

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