My Friends

My friends may be slightly crazy but sometimes you need a hint of crazy to make life worth while. Together we laugh, cry, play, and work. My closest friends and I would rather sit on the couch watching Star Trek and eat pizza than go out on the town. From them I've learned how to work with people who have different intrests and opinions and to have fun once in awhile.

Jenna at Comicon

Jenna is one of my best friends and I have known her since middle school. We have bonded over many things such as Doctor Who and Fall Out Boy. I really admire how she is so easey to have a conversation with and can be super friendly. Thanks to her I have discovered that there is more to life than shoes and trashy pop songs. I've also learned that the easiest way to get bored in DisneyLand is to spend over two hours in the sword shop in Fantasyland. I would not have as many, diverse intrests as I do if it were not for Jenna.

Julianne and I
eating shaved ice at the Ukelele Festival

Julianne in a few words is golden ray of happiness and the waking definition of pretty. Together we have been to Disneyland, Hawai'i, and gone camping. While she is a pro at makeup and will gladly spend hours talking about attractive english men and australians, she will smack you if you get out of line. In my opinion she is very much like Elsa from Frozen because she is beautiful, an amazing singer, shy, protective, and -as stated before- will kick your ass when nessassary. Thanks to her I know what it is like to have your heart broken when your OTP isn't cannon. We have bonded over Five Second of Summer, One Direction, and cheesey korean dramas.

Jane in San Fransico

I admire Jane most for how smart and pretty she is. This year she is a drum major for marching band. While she can be very sarcastic and blunt with her opinions, she means well. Although we are friends we are almost polar opposites. We do share a love for Sherlock though. Jane is also a great listener and can offer logical advice that will probably help you from making any rash decisions.

My Drill Team: The Winter Lodge Icettes

Icettes is the drill team I am in at the Winter Lodge. I have been skating since as was two so I have grown up with a lot of these girls. Together we skate in time to music and make different formations on the ice. We help each other improve our skills and we bond throughout the skating season. From these girls I have learned teamwork and dedication.

2014 Mountain View Color Guard

I started color guard in my sophomore year of high school, while most people start their freshmen year. Since I started a little late, I had a lot of catching up to do skill-wise, but I am proud of how far I have come. Together the guard and I have gone on scavenger hunts, figure skating and many other adventures. Everyone pushes each other to become even better than they already are and to always go “full out Felishia”. The guard has taught me persistence and has given me strength physically and mentally.