Podcast Page

10 Things I've Learned so Far in My Life

In English class we made a list of ten things we have learned in our life so far. Then, we took that list and made a podcast of those ten things. Below is my list which is just of a few major tid-bits of what I believe.
  1. Food and sleep are the best remedies
  2. Strive to be how you see yourself in 10 years
  3. Family isn't always biological
  4. Even though fictional world is amazing, remember that you most likely won't survive there so try to enjoy reality
  5. To live doesn't mean you're alive
  6. When in doubt DANCE PARTY!!
  7. Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean it isn't beautiful
  8. If something doesn't work come back tomorrow
  9. Drink water, it'll make your day better.
  10. Compliment a stranger, good karma is the best karma.

Making this podcast was I not as difficult as I though it would be. First we found images that relate to the phrases.Then we used Garadgeband to record ourselves saying the phrase. We also used Garageband to make the background music. We importet our audio and images to the flash library. We editied the audio to fade in and out and the ends of the podcast and when our recordings of the phrases should start and stop.

English Media Peice

After creating the podcast, we had to make a media piece. First, we took the phrase that was the most unique and find a symbol for it. We then had to draw of photograph the symbole and put the text around it in an artsy way. I my symbol was an eagle becuase it represents strength and freedom which is what I get from having a dance party. When I am dansing I get a sence of freedom and general happiness. the entire story behind this peice can be found in the audio below. I hope you like it!