
A webgem is a websight that you go to regularily. Webgems provide an inside look on a persons intrests and hobbies. My webgems are mostly about beauty, movies, and random facts.

December 18, 2014

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Buzzfeed is a website that is great for procrastinating. It is full of random facts that you could spend hours going through, and you can find an article or video about almost anything. I love reading articles on the entertainment page because they usually make fun of celebrities in a joking kind of way. I also like to watch videos of people trying or learning about topics that are not normally discussed on mainstream media. I especially like the videos were guys try things that girls have to put up with on a regular basis. It is good to know that at least a few men know what we have to deal with.

December 10, 2014

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Attack of the Cute is an adorable website where people can submit cute pictures of animals for everyone to see. This website is great for bring a smile to your face. I like to visit it when I need a break from studying or doing homework. The baby animals are so adorable and make me laugh everytime I see them. I especially love the puppy photos. I mean they are free pictures of puppies, what’s not to love? There is also pictures of baby giraffes, leopards, armadillos, just about every kind of baby animal. I think this is the best website to cheer you up when you are feeling down, or send it to a friend to brighten their day.

December 1, 2014

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I first learned about TED Talks when we saw the one titled, "Embrace the Shake" on the first day of class at Freestyle Academy. Each talk is someone opinion and it is usually very inspiring. I really like the one we saw in english class with one of the story creators for Dreamworks. I like to hear about other people's experiences and how they got to where they are. It is cool to see many people opinions and how other people think, and at the end of all the talks I watch, I am inspired to see things in a new light or try to find different ways of completing a task.

November 24, 2014

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In order for me to concentrate on whatever work I am doing, I need to have subtle background sounds. I usually just turn on my radio but sometimes I get too caught up in what I'm listening to that I get distracted from my work. Rainymood gives me the white noise I need to study without being distracting. I love to listen to rain so it is also very calming for me to listen to the rain, and sometimes I go on the site to meditate for a while. The web page even is picture of raindrops falling down a window. I am definitely going to use this site more often when studying for my upcoming finals.

November 19, 2014

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Being a disney fan, I love to learn everything about the movies and disney parks. At Disney's official blogging site, you can learn about interesting connections between the movies, the history of Disney, and take quizzes on everything from your knowledge of Disney's movies to what your Disney spirit is (mine is Pegasus from Hercules). My favorite blog on the site is Oh My Disney and Disney Style because they have most of the quizzes. On Oh My Disney, they have a quiz where you match the icon with the disney movie it is from. I usually get 51 out of 53 because I don't know a few of the older ones, but that is still a very good score! On Disney Style, the quizzes are more along the lines of, where would your wedding be? or who is your Disney prince charming? For the record, My best friend would be Anna, I'm most like Mulan, I would marry Prince Eric, would where Cinderella's wedding dress, and would live in Rapunzel's kingdom. As you can see, I take my Disney very seriously.

November 14, 2014

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My friend showed me this website when I told her I was bored one day. All it does is link you too random websites that have no purpose other than giving you seemingly pointless entertainment. Everytime you click the link it sends you to a new website. It’s a good thing to have when you need to do  something but you don’t want to do too much thinking. It is also very good at helping you procrastinate without knowing it. My favorite link is the infinite koalas. Every time you roll over the circle, it multiplies. As the circles continue to multiply and get smaller, a picture of a koala takes shape.

November 10, 2014

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Lately I’ve been looking at more fashion and trend oriented websites and Vogue really caught my eye. As an aspiring fashion designer I want to know what pieces are in the now so that I can learn how they are made and why they are so in. For instance, bold graphics and prints have been showing up lately and designs from Seoul, Korea are making headlines in many magazines. I especially love looking at trends that will be coming up, because then I can look like I’m one of the trend setters. That might be slightly cheating but “fake it until you make it,” right? I know that for spring of 2015, some designers’ ready-to-wear collections have hint of home decor in their inspiration. Does that mean I can know make a new skirt out of my old curtains? Anyway, I hope that with the new knowledge I’m gaining from websites like vogue, I’ll be able to make my own trends in the future.

October 29,2014
Logo from Zoella websight

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I first discovered Zeolla on her youtube channel. She is a british beauty guru who makes videos and blogs about her favorite beauty products and styles of the season. Her blog is one of my favorite websites because I enjoy learning about different styles and how to make certain looks with makeup. I especially love her latest blog about fall colors and her favorite things about fall. Her website is also great for finding out what colors and hairstyles work well with your skin tone and hair type. She always has great advice on skincare and what clothes to wear, and when you have a million things to do like me, it is great to have a little help on how to look “in season”.

October 23, 2014

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In english we watched short stories on Short of the Week to study how a short story works. I like this website because you can find a short about any topic, and any genre. Every week there is a new one. The stories provide inspirations and entertainment and you learn a lot about how to tell a story in a short amount of time. I love that people are able to tell a story in only a few short minutes. Some time these stories are better than full length films because they get to the point and the message is very clear. They also provide a little break from homework although it is easy to spend an hour watching short stories.