
Below is my animaton. Please note that you must have Flash Player 9 installed in order to view the animation. It can be downloaded from

Right-click > Play to play the animation.


Artist Statement

      My animation is about two people who live far away from each other. One writes the other a letter and the other writes a song. They send each other the letter/CD but, in the end, as the man steps outside to read the letter, he gets run over by a mail truck. It has to do with the same theme as my short story and photonarrative; that is, it has to do with communication. Often times one of the reasons we might not talk to people enough is that we take them (and, when we do talk, our mode of communication) for granted. While the two in my animation took the time to keep in contact, in the end something unexpected happened; the girl's letter indirectly killed the boy. Even when we make an effort, there are things we can't control.