
My piece shows a man with a deer head sitting cross-legged in a yellowed field. It represents the desire to get away from everyday life in the cities, where green succumbs to cold, gray metal. It was inspired by a short story I wrote in English about a young girl leaving home to embrace the serenity of nature on a farway island. The deer head symbolizes an innate yearning to return to nature and also the interconnection between all living animals. The sky is a greenish gray color, muddled with the definitions of things like pollution, representing the way the pollution and chaos of the cities finds its way towards nature. The deer can run, but there's only so much land left.

This illustration assignment was to be able to narrate a story we wrote in English using symbols. (The inspiration for this illustration is the short story I have on uploaded on the "Short story" page.) As in, don't use the literal/actual objects (if your story is about a girl who likes to read, don't draw a girl who likes to read) and use symbols that represent the objects instead. I liked this because I feel it gave us the chance to push ourselves conceptually - by forcing us to not use literal objects, we had to think a lot more about what our story was about and what we wanted to show about it.