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03/12/07 Baseball Pt.2

Before I say anything about baseball, I just want to say my image changed. I now have a buzz cut instead of a mane. I'll get a photo on this A.S.A.P., but for now, lets talk about baseball.

Centeral Division


Can the Tigers win?

The Detroit Tigers gave all of us a scare at the end of the season, dropping a huge 15 game lead into a few. But they were able to pull it off by winning the wild card and go to the World Series. The Minnisota Twins won their 4th division title over the last five year, with the Chicago White Sox winning not only the Central division, but the World Series back in 2005. The Cleveland Indians were top choice in 2006, but failed to even end the season with a .500 winning percentage. And lets not forget that other team. You know, the team that used to have the HUGE legacy in the 70's. The...... oh yea, Kansas City Royals. I don't what to rip on them, but they were the second to worst team in the 2006 season, falling ahead of the hopeless Devil Rays. OK, enough of that. The Twins, Tiges and Sox show very impreesive players; from the rookie pitcher Liriano from the Twins, to Ivan from the Tigers; and lets not forget Thome of the Sox. My prediction is that the Tigers will fall third, with the Twins being second and the Sox winning the division by 2.5 games.



Cardinals still dominate

OK, lets face it. St. Louis has been the most dominate team in the central since the 2000's started, winning 1st in the division every year, with the exepction with the Cubs in 2003 and hat annoying fan in the bleachers, the mishap of the shortstop, Bernie Mac jynxing the seventh inning stretch, and the run, after run, after run in the playoffs. The Housten Astros and their riddiculos pitcher Roger Clemens showed true strength in 2005 against the Braves in the 18 inning long game (DAMN YOU!!!!!). The Reds also made an impressive showing, leading the way until the last month, where they fell behind and placed third, 3.5 games behind the Cards. My predictions: without even knowing all the players in the division, I say that the Cardinals will win the division. Astros come in second and the Reds come in third. Milwakee, you have shown great improvement since 2004, but not enough to say that you are playoff worthy and the Pirates, even though that didn't finish last, can just forget about it. Cubbies, I want you to win, but I just an't see it.


Bias is not part of my judgement, I look at the standing of previous years and the players of each team. However, variability is out in the open, so don't just look at this as your primary judgment.

Next time, the Wild, Wild West.

This is Schaffy signing off.

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