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04/07/07 IT'S APRIL!!!!

WOOHOO!!!!!! Two and half more months and I am done with high school. It's feels so weird just reflecting on the pass 3.75 years and what I have done, what I should have done and what would happen if I did this. Like what would happen if I didn't join Freestyle Academy? I don't want to know the answer to that question, because this place is cool.

Anywho, this month to me is "the good month". I'm not saying that since Easter is here or that April is the first full month of spring. This month is reserved for relaxation. Every person I talk to just seems happier in this month and I think that they are just more relaxed then they usually are. I don't know what happened to them at this time of the year, but whatever it is they just are more relaxed.

I pretty much have nothing else to say this week. So, I guess that's it. Execpt that series that I started back if Feb. I don't feel like continuing it this week. I'll start again next week.

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