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Hello again peasants, and prepare to explore my mind. This page is dedicated to my own thoughts. As I said in my Bio, I'm an observer. I just put the peices of what the world holds together and come up with some great theories, and some messed up ideas. If they are worthy of being showed, they end up here. I will try to constantly update this page. I'll try to change it once every two weeks. So, it's time to share.

I am a HUGE sports fan. Baseball, football, basketball, soccer, hockey; pretty much anything you can think of with the execption of golf.

GOLF, for one, IS NOT A SPORT and how can it be? All you have to do is hit a small white ball with an L-shaped stick. Where the next swing takes place is dependent on the ball's flight. You keep swinging until you finally put the ball into a gopher size hole.

Honestly, whoever invented this game (and people, there is a difference between a sport and a game) was either incredibly bored at the time or was trying to get rid of some gohpers in his garden. I will give some credit, that he was creative to drop something in the hole to try to solve the problem and that this did lead to mini golf, which I like to do since it's more attrative to everyone.

Now, I have no real pictures for this, but I will leave you with Robin WIlliams and his views on golf.

This is Schaffy signing off.

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