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OK, what I'm about to say maybe the most hypocritical thing that has ever floated out of my mouth and into your ear (and most likely will be for the rest of my life). WHO HAS THE TIME TO BLOG???????????????????????????????????????????

Me apparently since I am writing something here. I've been trying to think of something to type here for this week, but I can't think of a single frickin' thing. So I might as well write random crap for your eyes to see.

Metamorphosis is the best short story of all time. 2+2=5. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.If I'm X, are you Y? INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that make me crazy? A little bit of Monica in my life, A little bit of Erica by my side, A little bit Rita's all I need, A little bit of Tina's what I see, A little bit of Sandra in the sun, A little bit of Mary all night long, A little bit of Jessica here I am, A little bit of you makes me your man. I'M TIRED OF THESE GOD DARN SNAKES ON THIS GOD DARN PLANE. I am not a crook. WEEHAW. Three Musketeers-------->Milky Way-------------> Snickers. I am nothing, yet I'm everything. LOL BORAT. FHFGRYJSIEJDNCKHBASHBYDUCYABSCJKLHRBCAEUIHJK.

My message to you all this week, always expect the unexpected. In life, you will have to be flexible with what happens, whether you lose your job or win the lottery, everything will change from birth to death.

This is Schaffy signing off.

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