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Yes its that time of year where close ones get together and have fun playing games, watching football, eating dead bird and thanking God for all the things that we have been given. However, I view this to be the worst holiday, not because of its meaning, but because my luck during this time of the year sucks. Just yesterday, I ran my green, V70 volvo into a fence.

Here's what happened. I was turning to the left of a T-intersection with lights. There was no distinct light control for right turns, so I could turn right. I didn't see any car, so I started to go. All of a sudden, I heard this LOOOOOOOONG honk. I turned to the left to see what was happening, and there was a car speeding towards me. I turned to the side of the road so I could get out of the way, but when I got to the area where it was safest, instead of pressing the brakes, I hit the acceleration and went through the fence.

I will say that everything after that was good. The house owner was calm and nice about it, the police weren't pushy, the car's only damage was a few scratches here and there (even going throuhg a 4 x 4), the airbags didn't even diploy, and best of all, nobody got hurt (not even my friend in the passenger seat). So for thanksgiving, I thank God for my safety.

The luck for the rest of my family is good (I thank God for that as well). My Step-brother had a section on the Chicago Sun-times for his awsome swimming capabilities. WTG Big Ben.

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